Endowment – Home
Our Projects
Way to Donate

An endowment donor can contribute to the following portfolios, within various sub-heads, to help Institute achieve its objectives. Incase you wish to interact with us while making your decision, do reach out to us at endowment@tifrh.res.in

An endowment contribution made to TIFR Hyderabad is tax-exempt and can be listed under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) act of the Government of India.

Unrestricted Corpus fund

The amount donated will add to the principal of the Corpus fund. The Corpus will be managed by the empanelled endowment committee members comprising of a balanced pool of academicians within the TIFR community. These funds will provide financial flexibility on the earned-interest from the Corpus to achieve various immediate goals of the institute. The financial freedom will attract exceptionally bright faculty candidates with certain start-up funds provided in a timely manner, support public outreach, infrastructure and other research activities and initiatives of the institute in the long run.

Target: 500 Crores

Restricted Corpus fund

The donor may wish to set up a corpus for any specific academic, research or outreach initiatives such as the ones below:

  • Chair Professorship: The Chair Professorship will be awarded for any period not exceeding five years at a time. The awardee of the Chair is expected to spend at least 1 months every year at TIFR, during the tenure of the Professorship.
  • Student & Staff support: The endowment donor may choose to initiate postdoctoral fellowship program on specific research areas or support conference travel of students & other academic members.
  • Endowment Awards: The donor may wish to support new awards for administration staff, technical staff, students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty.

Project-specific fund

The endowment donor can choose to contribute to the development of a particular project or research activity of the Institute. This would include any existing or new area of research that TIFR Hyderabad would also like to venture into. The endowment donor can specify the conditions for utilization of the fund. S/he may also choose a Project Investigator to manage his or her contribution. This could be specified when contributions are made in a specific research program. The Project Investigator will be granted full flexibility in the utilization of the funds within the institute norms and conditions as specified by the donor. Our various research activities are listed here. where you may directly contact the concerned faculty. Alternatively, please get in touch with us at endowment@tifrh.res.in and we will be happy to assist you.

Sponsor Chair positions

The donor can choose to sponsor a particular TIFR-H faculty and the faculty will be listed as `[Name] Chair Reader/Associate Professor/Professor`. Such a position will help in promoting the sponsorer/donor through the performance of the Faculty colleaque, as featured both on the institute website and whenever the concerned faculty member delivers talks at international conferences and national venues. The chair position will be for a maximum period of 2 years with possible renewal after mutual consent. Utilization of contributions to this chair position can be agreed upon by the donor and the concerned faculty member.


To grow into a world-class institute of repute, TIFR Hyderabad would require developing strong infrastructure support for its students, administrative staff, faculty members and their families. We believe in building a cohesive academic society to nurture a sense of pride to be affiliated with TIFR Hyderabad, and to set a high bar for research in Science and Technology in the country. The contribution of the endowment donor will play a pivotal role in realizing our ambition, and nurture values that will spread across the country through our alumni. The contributions will help to build and maintain science centers/museums, sports & recreational centers, housing complexes, libraries, lecture halls, research laboratories and administrative units.