Date & Time Title Speaker
Nov 30, 2022

04:00 PM

Adventures on the fringes of magnetic resonance Malcolm H Levitt, University of Southampton, UK
Nov 11, 2022

11:30 AM

Liquid Crystal Colloids: Role of Topological Defects in their Self-Assembly and Transport Surajit Dhara, UoH
Oct 28, 2022

02:30 PM

A Fine Balance: Representation and Bias in Indian Academia Ram Ramaswamy, IIT-Delhi
Oct 03, 2022

02:30 PM

20 years of Superconducting LINAC at TIFR and Engineer's Day R.G. Pillay, TIFR, Mumbai
Sep 28, 2022

04:00 PM

Boron Chemistry: What can theory contribute new and what to pay attention to for accurate calculations Bernd Engels, University of Würzburg, Germany
Jan 10, 2022

04.00 PM

Materials Science with 2D Atomic Layers Pulickel M. Ajayan, Rice University, TX